Moments are the foundation of my work. Do I capture more traditional camera-aware portraits? YES. Yes I do. That said, I am always looking for authenticity and raw, unstaged images that give insight into that particular individual. Think of it this way: if you have ever tried to photograph a child, they have two main smiles: the first is their "I'm smiling because I was told to...."cheeeeeese"!, and the second is their "I'm smiling because it's all I can do not to burst out with joyful glee and I want you to know how happy I am right now". Both of these smiles look good on-camera, but to anyone who really knows the child, the second one tells a more compelling story about how they felt in the moment. In children, expressions are often exaggerated and therefore they are easier to understand as an example, however adults have an equal, if not greater, range of natural facial expressions. Authenticity is key in my work. I want you to remember exactly how you felt each and every time you look through your wedding album.